大西洋月刊 The Atlantic 2021年5月 高清英文版 PDF电子版 百度网盘下载-八点一刻



We Mourn for All We

Do Not Know

I am a 63-year-old white woman.
Having read some of the Federal
Writers’ Project slave narratives in
college, I have known about them
my entire adult life. And yet I was
brought up short by a statistic in
Clint Smith’s article: At the time
the narratives were compiled, in
the mid-1930s, there were more
than 100,000 living Americans
who had been born into slavery.
My mother, born in 1934, is
healthy and active at 86. Te real-
ization that her life overlapped
even briefly with the lives of so
many formerly enslaved people
underscores Smith’s observation
that, “in the scope of human
history, slavery was just a few
moments ago.” I thank him for
the important reminder.
Kathy A. Rogers
Whitefish Bay, Wis.

My father, Benjamin A. Botkin,
worked for the Federal Writers’
Project as the national folklore
editor from 1938 until 1939
and as the chief editor of the
writers’ unit from 1939 until
1941, during which time he
was highly involved with the
slave narratives. In 1942, Dad
left the Federal Writers’ Project
to become chief of the Archive
of American Folk Song at the
Library of Congress. At home,
in the evenings and on week-
ends, he worked on a collection
of the slave narratives that would
become a book called Lay My
Burden Down.
In fact, it was something of a
family project. By 1942, the slave
narratives were on microfilm at
the Library of Congress, and Dad
would select the stories he wanted

to include in his book and bring
the film and a film reader home.
My mother, who had some secre-
tarial training, would spend her
free time during the day typing
the stories Dad had selected. I
was 8 years old, and my brother
was 5. After Mother put us to
bed, Dad would ask her to help
him proofread her typed manu-
script. Mother would read the
film aloud, including punctua-
tion, and Dad would check her
typed copy for errors. So my
brother and I would fall asleep
listening to these tales, punctua-
tion and all. One of the proudest
moments of my life was a few
years later, on an evening when
Mother was too busy to proof-
read with Dad and he asked me
to do the reading.
Tank you for your excel-
lent article.
Dorothy B. Rosenthal
Amherst, Mass.

Clint Smith replies:
My response to the narratives
was similar to Kathy A.Rog-
ers’s when I looked at my two
living grandparents, who are
90 and 81 years old. It is
remarkable to consider how
many people still alive today
are only a generation or two
removed from this horrific
institution. Te realization is
also clarifying, as it helps give
us a better sense of the origins
of the racial inequality that we
see today. Part of what I am
always thinking about is how
we convey this sense of proxim-
ity to a wider public, so that
more people understand the
current manifestations of racial
disparities as originating from


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