巴伦周刊 Barron’s 2021年5月17日 高清英语原版 PDF电子版 百度网盘下载-八点一刻

《巴伦周刊》是一份由新闻集团旗下的道琼斯公司出版的美国周刊与报纸,由克拉伦斯·巴伦于1921年创办,时名《巴伦氏全国商业与金融周报》,是《华尔街日报》的姊妹刊物。 该《巴伦周刊》以对市场的深度、独家分析及评论闻名,内容涵盖市场领先的选股推荐、基于深入研究的投资建议和来自华尔街精英分析师的专家观点,可以为您在中国及全球范围内优化投资组合提供专业参考。


It’s Not Jimmy Carter’s
Inflation, but It’s

That old saw about
history not repeating but rhyming
echoes these days,
but some of the
rhymes are
strained. The
resemblance to past events, in many
cases, is more superficial than real.
Take the appearance of gasoline
lines in parts of the Southeast this
past week, which conjured up visions
of the 1970s oil embargoes. Only this
time, it wasn’t the doing of OPEC,
then led by Sheikh “Yamani or your
life,” as William Safire memorably
dubbed him. Other nefarious actors,
reportedly a Russian gang, managed
to hack Colonial Pipeline’s key fuel
artery to the region. In actuality, there
wasn’t any real gasoline shortage, but
a panic of hoarding, a reflex similar
to the run on toilet paper in the early
days of the pandemic a year ago.
The more pertinent parallels to be
drawn to the 1970s relate to the uptick
in inflation, that decade’s main eco

nomic feature, with consumer prices
rising 4.2% last month—the biggest
jump since 2008—from their level a
year earlier. That news at midweek sent
bond yields up sharply and stocks slid

ing, in a reversal of their relationship.
(See our cover story on page 22.)
For investors, this could be the most
important change in a generation be

cause it leaves them few means of pro

tecting themselves. Not surprisingly,
some new ones are emerging. But un

like the innovations of past eras, these
are accessible to average investors with
an online stock brokerage account

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