纽约客 The New Yorker 2021年6月7日 高清英语原版 PDF电子版精读 百度网盘下载-八点一刻

纽约客》(The New Yorker)是美国的一份综合性杂志。覆盖政治、国际事务、大众文化和艺术、科技以及商业等领域,也会刊发一些文学领域的作品(以诗歌、短篇小说、幽默小品、漫画作品为主)。每周更新一期,全年一共47期,其中有5期是双周合刊。


Smashed NYC
177 Orchard St.
“A big part of what makes the Big Mac
appealing in pictures,” a burger aficio

nado I know mused the other day, “is
that the patties extend past the perim

eter of the bun. But then you actually
get one, and most of the time you can
barely even see the patties.”We were
sitting outside Smashed NYC, a new
burger shop on the Lower East Side.
He peeled back the black-and-white
checkered wax paper folded around the
Big Schmacc, a highlight of the menu.
Two thin jagged-edged disks of deeply
browned ground beef hung floppily over
the limits of three halves of Martin’s
“Big Marty’s”sesame roll;there was clear
visual evidence,too, of sharp-cornered,
barely melted slices of American cheese,
shredded iceberg lettuce, crinkle-cut
pickle coins, and Creamsicle-colored
Smash Sauce. “This is what it’s sup

posed to look like,” he explained, with
the authority of a biologist

纽约客 The New Yorker 2021年6月7日 高清英语原版 PDF电子版精读 百度网盘下载:


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纽约客 The New Yorker 2021年6月7日 高清英语原版 PDF电子版精读 百度网盘下载-八点一刻

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